KOPELI (snake dance chief) in Walpi, 1898. Photo by C. C. Pierce.
FIGURES: Mimbres, 1100-1000 B.C.E.
PIPE: Ancient Pueblo (Anasazi).
POTTERY Pitcher: Dead man’s fugitive Red found in San Francisco Mountain region.
CEREMONIAL WAND: (leaning against the wall) found in Pueblo Bonito, as illustrated in George Pepper’s excavation report. (drawn in Illustrator, textured in Photoshop, decorated with eagle feathers in Photoshop, and tied with yucca strings made by the Sinagua in Photoshop)
MACAW FEATHER FAN: Belongs to Bernhard Michaelis. The remains of more than 40 macaws were found in Wupatki National Monument.
COLORED CORN: comes from the Hopi mesas, grown in the Old Oraibi area.
SMALL FEATHER FAN, laying on rock: from a Zuni mask around 1890.